Our mission from the first day we opened the doors at Real Food Blends was to promote the concept of blenderized diets for people with feeding tubes. (Our loftiest goal? To make real food be the default for people with feeding tubes, not the exception! Dare we dream?!!)
To help accomplish this goal, we are actively working on handouts, research and educational materials promoting the benefits of blenderized diets for tube-fed people. We’re also starting to travel the country to help educate RDs on blended diets and our meals.
How you can help
Can you share your blended diet story? Why you started? How it’s impacted your life / your family? Anything you’d like medical professionals to know? We will compile these stories to distribute online and to dietitians who need a little more ‘data’ on why they should put food first.
From all of us, and all the future tubies who will benefit from your story, THANK YOU!