Real Food Blends Recipe Book

Real Food Blends Recipe Book!

Beef, Potatoes & Peas
Orange Chicken, Carrots & Brown Rice

Real Food Blends believes wholeheartedly in the benefits of a wide variety of real food for tube-fed people.

We’ve compiled this booklet to give tube-fed people and their caregivers a resource for how to incorporate more real food, and more nutritional variety, into their diet.

The following ideas, recipes, and nutritional data come from RDs, RNs, and tube-fed parents who use real food for their patients and loved ones. We want to bring back the concept of MEALS (not feeds!) for people on feeding tubes, both for the health of tube-fed people and to offer a sense of normalcy to caregivers. We hope this booklet helps you create happy memories as you spend time in the kitchen customizing meals.



Always consult with your medical professionals before making any changes to your prescribed enteral (tube-feeding) formula and before starting a blenderized diet. Nutritional information is approximate and may vary based on the nature, brand, and quantities of ingredients used.

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